A trip to Kaduna

A walk down memory lane… Love for my country and other drugs! I like the way ‘Dare recollects his Service Year and captures the freedom and optimism we feel as we stand on the threshold of hope and possibilities. I think you’d like it too…



I want to take a trip. In my mind, to places in a city l left three years ago.

I want to visit that big compound at the end of the street where I lived, in Abakpa, where the ancient locomotive chugged loudly in the morning, as I walked out to buy breakfast.

My regular breakfast was kosi or akara. I always called it akara, because I thought kosi was too bland a word to capture the delicious essence of the hot spongy brown akara. I remember how the lady would serve it out of the hot oil and package my usual fifty or sixty naira worth of akara into old newspapers and nylon bags. I was a regular customer, and I had earned her respect because of my almost daily patronage. Sometimes, I was rewarded with some extra balls of akara, other days, I was offered koko or pap…

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6 thoughts on “A trip to Kaduna

  1. How nostalgic! A time is coming when I have to do the same with Port Harcourt. Mile 1, 2, 3. Diobu, Town, hotels that were the in thing in our day like Olympia hotel, Presido. Food also like akara and akamu, onunu, suya from around presido hotel, roast plantain and fish from town, the groundnut to eat with garri and sugar and sometimes milk to boot. Ah, those were the days. I remember leventis, chanrai, supabod and Kings way. So many places. Childhood was great, and i loved it. I still see PH from the eyes of a child and a teenager! Nostalgia is a lovely thing.


    1. Ama, yes, sweet nostalgia. I too have fond memories of our early years. Suya from Presidential!

      I remember road trips from PH to Jos to visit my dad, and then Jos to Zaria, etc. Like ‘Dare, I would like to tour Nigeria with friends- South to North, East to West… ours is a beautiful country. I hope that day comes.


    2. Yeah, PH is my second hometown, there are many memories and stories there… it would take a while to write. Thanks for reading.


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